The main problem of integrated health post is the lack of community participation, and its resources. One of the alternative solution is finding a special behavior with positive deviance (PD) approach. The aim of this research was to analyze positive behavior through PD approach. This research was a qualitative research. The research method was focus group discussion with all cadre leader and indepth interview technique to 59 subjects, village midwife, cadre, and posyandu target in 10 posyandu (Tunas Harapan-TH 1 to 10) at Sadeng Village, Leuwisadeng sub district, Bogor District and completed with secondary data from monthly report of posyandu. These data were analyzed qualitatively using five basic steps in PD approach. The average attendance posyandu target was low (30.3%). The
result showed Posyandu TH 6 is defined as a model (performer) of PD. Specific positive behaviors encountered include better management of task distribution, mutual assistance behavior, cadres family members participation as transport
volunteer, cooperation with early childhood education (ECE), sub-village involvement, and adequate posyandu building. These behaviors were applied to the Posyandu TH 4 who had the worst performance and successfully increased its attendance from 23% to 62%. In this research the PD performer and its positive behavior have been identified through the PD approach and those behaviors were successfully applied to other posyandu
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