Primary components in shaping koperasi masjid's participation level: Employing a principle component analysis approach
Koperasi masjid present themselves as a part of muamalah through Sharia economic facilitation. This study was conducted to analyse the cooperative members' participation level in relation to the implementation of a cooperative business program. A survey using a case study approach was conducted at koperasi Masjid Hafshotul Iman, Masjid Taqwa and Masjid Darul HikmahThe survey employed a purposive sampling method with the participation of the cooperative's management (chairman, secretary, and treasurer) and the masjid's members. Ten respondents were purposively chosen from each mosque and a total 30 respondents were acquired. The distributed questionnaire was a closed one, measured with a Likert scale. The results were analysed using factor analysis and the Principal Component Analysis approach (PCA). Based on the results of the factor analysis, the members' participation level in cooperative service can be classified into three primary factors. Some of the variables displayed a strong correlation with Factor 1, namely motivation, management performance, RAT performance, and supervisor performance. The second primary factor was formed by activeness in participating in cooperative activities. Lastly, the third primary factor encompassed three variables with a strong correlation, namely age, education, and membership duration.
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