Health Education About the Early Detection Hearing Disorders Increasing Knowledge And Attitude of Parents Baby Age 0-3 Months
Method: The aim of this study was to analyze effect of health education about early detection of hearing disorder program to improvement of knowledge and attitude of parent baby on audiologi poly RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya. This research used preexperimental with pre-post test design. The population were parents baby with age 0-3 mounth who their children in audiologi poly. The sample were 15 respondents who met the inclusion and eksklusion criteria, sample were taken by using konsekutif sampling. The independent variable was health education and the dependent variable was knowledge and attitude, the data was collected using questionnaire, then analized using wilcoxon signed rank test with significant level α ≤ 0,05.
Result and Analysis: The result reveals that was effect of health awareness contained on knowledge with significant p=0,015 and was not effect of health awareness contained on attitude with significant p= 0,157
Discussion: It can be concluded that was effect from health education about early detection of hearing disorder to change of knowledge by parent baby so health education must given. Further studies should measure the effect of health with audio-visual method
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Copyright (c) 2019 Dwi Y. Astutik, Yuni S. Arief, Iqlima D. Kurnia

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