Method: In this study description analysis research method was used. The sample of this research was 36 mothers having a baby with age 4-11 months and came to get immunizatin for their baby. The instrument of this research was modified questionnaire based on Planned Behavior Theory. Data collected analysis used multiple regression with significance value α≤0,05.
Result: The result of double linier regression test is p(Sig.) = 0,000 <0,05 and coefficient determination score (R Square) is 0,837. Partial test result for attitute variable scored (p=0,016), subjective norm variable scored (p=0,013), perseption variable scored (p=0,012), and intention variable scored (p=0,042).
Discussion: According to this research we can conclude that factors of parent's adherence which are attitute, subjective norm, perception and intention partially and stimulantaneously affected parent's adherence in giving basic immunization to their baby. Health education to parents about giving basic immunization for baby should be increased in order to prevent a variety of diseases that can be prevented by immunization.
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