Dukungan Sosial sebagai Faktor Utama Pemberian Intervensi Gizi Spesifik pada Anak Usia 6-24 Bulan dengan Kejadian Stunting berbasis Transcultural Nursing
Introduction: Stunting is a chronic nutritional issue that happens in the world including Indonesia caused by local cultural factors. Madurese people are one of the races that closely live to their culture. Madurese people practice a culture that is related to nutrition intervention provision for toddlers. This study was aimed to analyse the factors related to specific intervention provision as an effort to prevent stunting from occurring to toddlers aged 6-24 months old.
Methods: This study used analytical design in Galis community health care December 2019. The population in this study were 160 mothers with toddlers aged 6-24 months old in which 115 of them were selected as sample based on purposive sampling. The inclusion criteria were the mothers who lived with their child in one house and caring for the child themselves. Exclusion criteria were mothers with a history of Special Economic Zone (SEZ) and mothers who were not present at the time of the study. The independent variables in this study were technological factor, religious and philosophical factor, social support factor, cultural value and lifestyle, political and legal factor, economic factor, and educational factor. Meanwhile, the dependant variable was the provision of specific nutritional interventions, namely colostrum, exclusive breastfeeding – breastfeeding up to 23 months accompanied by complementary foods, worm medicine, zinc supplements, iron, complete immunization, and diarrhoea prevention and treatment. The data were collected by questionnaires with Logistic Regression Analysis.
Results: The result of this study showed that social support is related to specific nutrition intervention provision with significance of p= 0.003. Cultural values and life style are related to specific nutrition intervention provision with significance of p= 0.048.
Conclusion: According to this study, factors that give significant influence is social support consisting of instruction information and advice. Madurese people still believe that the most influential and experienced persons in child caring are grandmother, mother in law, and parents.
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