Analysis of Compliance with Non-Smoking Area Regulations in Foster Care of Regional Technical Implementation Unit of Kampung Anak Negeri
Background: Most smokers begin to smoke at or before the age of 19. The number of young male smokers is more than that of female smokers. Purpose: This study identified the characteristics of children in a foster care and analyzed factors related to compliance with Non-Smoking Area in Regional Technical Implementation Unit of Kampung Anak Negeri Surabaya in terms of responsibility and peer support. Method: This study was a descriptive observational study using a cross sectional approach. The number of samples was 31 foster children who were asked to fill out questionnaires and participated in interview, selected by using a total sampling method. The data were analyzed with cross tabulation. Results: The of foster children majority (58.1%) were 12-16 years old. Most of them (58.1%) were still in elementary school/equivalent. The results of cross tabulation implied that children with adequate personal responsibility had sufficient compliance and strong correlation (0.530). Good peer support resulted in sufficient compliance, but the correlation of peer support with compliance was poor (0.214). Conclusion: All of the variables had a correlation with compliance with the implementation of Non-Smoking Area Regulation, but the value of each variable was different. The Regional Technical Implementation Unit of Kampung Anak Negeri Surabaya need to create peer educators among the foster children.
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