Self-Efficacy of Primigravida Working Mothers in the Success of Breastfeeding
Background: Self Efficacy of breastfeeding greatly affects the achievement of exclusive breastfeeding so that makes the success rate of exclusive breastfeeding in nursing mothers is high. For first-time mothers to give birth and breastfeed their babies (Primigravida) and are at work, identification of the level of self-efficacy of breastfeeding becomes an influential thing. Time constraints, work fatigue, and psychological factors are some of the factors that influence one's level of confidence in doing something. Objective: The purpose of this study is to analyze the Self Efficacy of Primigravida working mothers in the success of breastfeeding. Method: This study used a qualitative design with a phenomenological approach. Data collection was carried out by using in-depth interviews and interview guidance instruments. In-depth interviews were conducted with six informants, namely Primigravida mothers who were still actively working and had children aged 0-6 months. Results: The study showed that the Self Efficacy in the informants was classified as insufficient. This is proven by the fact that of the six informants, none succeeded in giving breast milk for up to six months, they only succeeded in giving breast milk for less than one month. Working mothers experience several problems such as work fatigue and stress that affect the of breast milk, and there is a perception that inadequate milk can affect the success of breastfeeding. Psychological factors of mothers who are less supportive to give exclusive breastfeeding are one of the factors that influence one's level of confidence in doing something. Conclusion: The failure of breastfeeding for up to six months is influenced by several factors namely inadequate Self Efficacy, working mothers who experience fatigue and stress, poor milk production, limited information obtained and fear of fussy babies.
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