Husband's Support as Delivery Companion During the Covid-19 Pandemic at Pratama Clinic
Background: Giving birth in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic requires extra efforts to ensure the safety of mothers and babies from the threat of the coronavirus. Childbirth assistance is needed to provide physical, emotional, and psychological support so that the birth process has a positive meaning for mothers, husbands, children, and families. A husband's support as a delivery companion during the COVID-19 pandemic needs to be considered in terms of preparation for childbirth at home, experience in assisting at the place of delivery, and expectations regarding assistance for subsequent deliveries. Objective: To analyze the husband's support in terms of preparation for childbirth, experience accompanying childbirth, and husband's expectations regarding subsequent delivery assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: This research used a qualitative descriptive method, namely by conducting in-depth interviews with husbands whose wives gave birth at the Pratama Clinic, Surabaya. The dependent variable is the husband's support and the independent variable is the preparation, experience, and expectations of the delivery companion. Sampling used purposive sampling that met the inclusion criteria, namely mothers with normal delivery and exclusion, namely mothers with complications in their pregnancy so that they were referred to the hospital, the sample size was 10 participants from a total population of 18 mothers who gave birth in July 2021. The study was carried out in July-August 2021 with discourse analysis by collecting documents, interviews, and observations. Results: The husband's support in terms of preparation before his wife gives birth during the COVID-19 pandemic was quite good at paying attention to body resistance and maintaining health protocols so that the swab test results were negative and could give birth at the desired clinic. The husband's experiences when accompanying his wife to give birth during the COVID-19 pandemic were stressful and more complicated because a swab test was required and there were no other family members to accompany her and the husband was worried about a referral to the hospital. The husband hoped that the birth of the next child will not be in a situation of the COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusion: The husband understood and realized that his support and attention from preparation before delivery until the baby's born is very important so that the mother can give birth smoothly at the desired place of delivery, with the hope that the mother gives birth comfortably and the baby's mother is safe.
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