Supportive Environment as Mental Health Intervention on Psychological Well-Being from Foreign Language Learning Activity
Background: Mental health issues awareness is increasing alongside the COVID-19 pandemic. While offline activities are shutting down, people require to adjust both rest and activities from home. That being said, there can also be a possibility to save more time because mobilization from home to another place is not necessary. However, excess free time does not always guarantee a better mental health situation if it does not fulfill psychological needs. By all means, creating and surrounding in a supportive environment becomes essential to adjust to the new lifestyle and obligations. Foreign language learning activity turns out not only gives new knowledge but also create a supportive environment to fulfill the desire for authentic interaction, which might contribute to psychological well-being at home during the pandemic season. Objective: This study aimed to explore deeper the role of the supportive environment from foreign language learning activity on psychological well-being. Later, this finding could be used as a recommendation for the public health sector to promote psychological well-being through mental disorder prevention programs. Methods: This study uses a literature review from international journals, data reports, and theses that discuss the supportive environment benefit on psychological well-being from foreign language learning activity. The sources used are published in the last ten years. Results: The result shows several benefits of the supportive environment from foreign language learning activity to the psychological well-being aspects (pleasure, joy, life value, and resilience) and also alternatives of productive activity during an abundance of free time, social support, empathy, positive mind, and open-mindedness.
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