Health Services Strategy of Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health in Developing Countries
Background: In the developing country 1 in 5 women give birth before the age of 18 years old. The problem of pregnancy is part of the main causes of death in youth between 15 to 19 years old, especially because of abortion complications and unsafe childbirth. Aims: To determine the strategy of health services for adolescent reproduction in developing countries. Method: using the design of scoping review with PRISMA-ScR checklist. Using Arksey and O'Malley in the form of (1) identified research questions, (2) identified relevant articles, (3) chosen articles, (4) data mapping and (5) presented data/result, discussion, and conclusion. Finding articles using 4 databases Ebsco, ScienceDirect, Pubmed, and Wiley Online Library. Results: The strategy of health service for adolescent reproduction in developing countries that can be done is health education/comprehensive sexuality education (CSE), youth-friendly service, and model of sexuality education enhancement (SEE). Conclusion: all of the three strategies the most applied is youth-friendly service followed by health education in the form of CSE. For the next research, it is expected to be able to analyze and evaluate a more dominant strategy also more effective in handling sexual health and adolescent reproduction both in developed countries and developing countries.
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