vulnerable age group about consumption of vegetables and fruit. Eating habits during adolescence
will give an impact on health in the future. College students are the age group of transition from late
adolescence into early adulthood. This research will show the behavior of eating vegetables and fruit
on a college student in a dorm. This research was a cross sectional study with quantitative approach.
Instruments in this study were questionnaire with a sample of 79 college student. Sampling used simple
random sampling method. The variables in the study were attitude toward behavior, subjective norms,
behavioral control, and intention of eating vegetables and fruits. Variables that aff ected intention of
eating vegetables and fruits was attitudes toward behavior (p = 0.001). Attitude toward behavior with (B
= 16.785) contributed on the intention to eat vegetables and fruit. The conclusion of this study, attitudes
toward behavior aff ected the intention to eat vegetables and fruit, while subjective norms, and behavior
control were not aff ected.
Keyword: Intention, eating, fruit and vegetable
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