prevalence continue to increase. Riskesdas 2013 indicate an increasing in the prevalence of type 2
diabetes in the elderly, namely from the year 2007 increased by 3,7% to 4,8% in 2013. SUSENAS 2014
showed morbidity rate in the elderly in 2014 reached 25,05%. The increasing age of elderly make elderly
suff ered a setback in many ways, which aff ects the quality of life of the elderly. Type 2 diabetes in the
elderly if not keep glucose levels either by exercise will cause complications. One of the complications of
type 2 diabetes mellitus is a microvascular complications. This study aimed to analyze the relationship
between exercise habits and symptoms of microvascular complications with quality of life of elderly
patients with type 2 DM in Puskesmas Wonokromo. This type of research is observational analytic study
with sample of elderly patients with DM 2 who was treated at the Puskesmas Wonokromo as many as
96 samples. The technique sampling was Simple Random Sampling. The data analysis used Chi Square
Test. The results showed no corrrelations between education and diet with quality of life, theres was a
corrrelations exercise habits and quality of life (p = 0.005). Expected that elderly patients with type 2
diabetes were can improve the quality of life with regular exercise.
Keywords: T2 Diabetes mellitus, Quality of life, Elderly
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