Indonesia is health. Based on data from the WHO, diarrhea and ARI (Acute Respiratory Infection) is an
infectious disease remains a health problem in Indonesia. From the data obtained in 2015, it is known
that the village Tanah Kalikedinding RW II (RT 07 and 11) has a health problem with the number of
diarrhea and ARI are quite high, as many as 2.467 cases of diarrhea and 15.207 cases for patients with
respiratory infection. The purpose of this research is to fi nd information about the relationship between
knowledge and attitudes toward behavior handwashing (CTPS) in the village Tanah Kalikedinding. The
research method is analytic with cross sectional approach. The population in this study is the whole
community in the village Tanah Kalikedinding. A total sample of 70 people were selected using simple
random sampling. The research variables are gender, age, knowledge, education, employm ent, attitudes
and behaviors CTPS. The primary data obtained from interviews and questionnaires, while secondary
data obtained from the data clinic. The results showed a determinant factor in the behavior of people in
the CTPS divided into three driving factors are gender, age, knowledge, education, employment, attitudes
and behaviors CTPS, enabling factors such as facility and reinforcing factors are health workers. It
is necessary to attempt a programmed extension activities, sustainable, evaluation and monitoring at
regular intervals in each program activity CTPS on society as well as involving cross-sector cooperation
in every program CTPS on society.
Keywords: knowledge, attitudes, behavior, CTPS
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