Lifestyle ( PHBs ). This is because the amount of data a disease that occurs in school-age children (ages
6-10 ) such as intestinal worms ( 60–80 % ) , and dental caries ( 74 % ) . This study aimsto describe
of PHBS students at 42elementary school Korong Gadang Kuranji District of Padang in 2014. This
research is descriptive. Thepopulation was all students grades 4–6 elementary school who are 71
and all the population sampled. Univariatble descriptive analysis to describe the characteristics of
the respondent. The results showed that the knowledge was lowest for the use of sanitary latrines and
healthier, which amounted to 67.6 % , amounting to 56.3 % of students did not accept to be a healthy
snack in the cafeteria sekolahdan as much as 100 % of students do not carry healthy snacks in the school
cafeteria. This study suggests that schools can optimize the PHBs by activating the UKS program at
the school. This study suggests that schools can optimize the PHBs by activating the program of School
Health Unit
Keywords: behavio-r, students, 42 Elementary School Korong Gadang
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