successful the development of the power quality. Every family was expected to have the ability to exercise
functions and its role in the economic aspect, social, psychology and culture. Changes in family have
infl uence that is not good for families, so the family is undergoing many changes of form , function and
role. The study is done to analyze relations endurance family to indulgence playing games online at
primary school student of grade IV and V Hidayatul Ummah primary school in Mulyorejo urban village,
Surabaya. Research carried out to a cross sectional by adopting quantitative. Technique data collection
was carried out by the provision of the questionnaire at 62 primary school student still was played games
online. The sample collection by means of simple random sampling. Variable independent to research
is family resilience (X) consisting of three variables namely variable their physic (X1), psychological
resilience (X2) and social resilience (X3) while variable bound was a play online games (Y). The result
showed the signifi cant infl uence of their physic family indulgence students to play online games (sig =
0,000; or = 0,239). Conclusion that can be drawn is the their physic family being or good enough have
leverage large enough to play online games in children. Thus, parents must continue to monitor and limit
their children in playing online games and give education about the dangers of playing online games
Keywords: family resilience, students, game online
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