by conducting, counseling, education and training, and strengthening human
resources to raise awareness, willingness and ability of people to live a clean and
healthy. Health promotion in hospital can give the benefits to the hospital
not only in phisically sides or currative phase. The purpose of writing this article is
to discuss the implementation of health promotion efforts based on Ottawa Charter
at Surabaya Oncology hospital. The method used in this research is descriptive
qualitative approach by direct observation and indepth interview.
The implementation of health promotion on Onkologi Surabaya Hospital based
on the five point of strategy health promotion in Ottawa Charter which are health
public policy, supportive enviroment, reorient health services, personal skill, and
community action has been appropriate. This is evidenced by the availability of media
that support the implementation of health promotion, policy and the establishment
the committee of PKRS. Also there are an effort to make community development
as well as improving the skills of the individual in maintaining the health of the healthy
individuals as well as improve the health of the sick patient. The implementation of
health promotion in hospital hopefully can make the patien's family can help the
patien not to infect the others especially to the family and their close friend. It also
can make the patien increase their quality of living. Suggestion for Onkologi Hospital
Surabaya based on the results of this study is to improve the evaluation system by
conducting an evaluation in accordance with the rules that have been applied for
the implementation of health promotion in the hospital can grow and run regularly.
Keyword: Health Promotion on Hospital, Ottawa Charter
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