Adolescence is a transitional period from childhood to adulthood. In the transition, there are three stages that include growth process, development, and maturation of genital hormones, namely the primary and secondary change. Male and female adolescent also happen to experience these changes. However, the female adolescents are in a higher risk for having reproductive tract infection. The continuous reproductive tract infection can result in infertility until pregnancy occurs outside the womb. The causes of reproductive tract infection vary, such as improper personal hygiene behavior. Such behavior includes replacing sanitary napkin less than four times in a day, using inappropriate pad material, often using antiseptics to treat genetal, not replacing underwear twice a day, not changing sanitary napkin for each 1-hour to 2-hour usagein the first day of menstruation, and not replacing sanitary napkin after urinating, defecate, and bathing.The study aims at describing the behaviour of female adolesenctsaboutpersonal hygiene during menstruation in SMPN 2 Kras, Kediri district. The study uses descriptive research design. The population of the study is female adolescents at class VII and VIII with the total of 191 students. The study collects data from 130 respondents by using Simple Random Sampling. The result of general behaviour of female adolescents' personal hygiene during menstruationshows 47 percentsalready meet the criteria, while 26 percents sufficiently meet the criteria, and 27 percentsdo not meet the criteria. It is suggested thatschool collaborates with local area health institutionsin providing basic activities to overcome such health problem. These activities can be done through communication, information and education (IEC) along with the distribution ofposter and leaflet about reproductive health especially personal hygiene during menstruation.
Keywords: female adolescents' behaviour, personal hygiene menstruation
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