Husband's support having a role in the success or failure of a mother to breastfeed her baby. The greater the support obtained to breastfeed, the greater the ability to survive. This research aimed to know the husband support with exclusive breastfeeding on infants aged 6-12 months. This research is a non experimental. Time approach used in this study is cross-sectional. The sampling technique used purposive sampling. In conducting data analysis of research results using Kendal Tau formula. This research was conducted at Posyandu Dewisari Kenteng Gadingsari Sanden Bantul Yogyakarta. The population in the study were 44 respondents. The samples in the study were 30 respondents,who had infants aged 6 to 12 months. This study showed that the support of husbands in exclusive breastfeeding included in high category as much as 70%, medium category 6.7% and low category 23.3%. The number of mothers who give exclusive breastfeeding in Posyandu Dewisari many as 16 mothers (53.3%). Mothers who didn't breastfeed exclusively are 14 women (46.7%). Based on the results of the relationship test is known that there is a relationship of support of the husband with exclusive breastfeeding. It can be concluded if there is a relationship with the husband's support exclusive in breastfeeding. The socialization of the Health Promotion Program needs to be disseminated through various communication media for couples, families and the environment so that husbands' support for exclusive breastfeeding is met. In addition, the husband as the head of the household needs to perform his role as a "support system”, so that the mother can give exclusive breastfeeding by providing support, appreciation, emotional and instrumental for mother that breastfeeding the babies until 6 months, so she can give exclusive breastfeeding.
Keywords: Husband support , Exclusive Breastfeeding
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