transitional period, adolescents often face very complex and difficult issues to
tackle on their own. Since 2003, Ministry of Health (Kementerian Kesehatan)
has developed a model of health services that is competing with Health Care
service for Youth (PKPR). Puskesmas Tanah Kalikedinding has promotive and
preventive activities especially related to adolescents. PKPR is certainly based
on every need and demand of teenage cadres around Tanah Kalikedinding area.
The purpose of this study is to identify the needs and expectations of adolescent
cadres on youth health programs. This research past descriptive research using
qualitative approach. The research subjects consist of peer educator of Rumah
Remaja, one of innovative program of Puskesmas Tanah Kalikedinding which refer
to adolescent reproductive health, Adolescent Posyandu cadres, adolescent
cadres in Al-Fitroh Pesantren and UKS cadres at SMAN 19 Surabaya. The number
of informants used in this study are 6 persons. Data collection was obtained
directly from the study sites using in-depth interview techniques and focus group
discussions (FGDs) conducted by researchers with related adolescent peer.
The results showed that adolescents need activities that always provide
innovation, activities are not only curative but more on activities that are
promotive and preventive such as counseling teenage health, education,
and socialization.
Keyword: adolescent, program, health, need, expectation
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