The number of work accidents in Indonesia is still the highest in Southeast Asia. Accidents can be caused by several factors such as environmental, mechanical or human behavior. Work accident data at PT Lintech Duta Pratama Surabaya shows that accidents are still a lot of in this company. The dominant cause of work accidents in PT Lintech Duta Pratama Surabaya is the behavior of workers who do not use personal protective equipment is safety glasses. Therefore, this study aims to determine the factors that affect the behavior of workers and use safety glasses according to the concept of HBM in order to reduce the high number of work accidents caused by unsafe behavior.This research is a Cross Sectional study where the research is done in a certain time. The sample of this study is the total of the working population in the production section of 74 people. Data analysis this research is binary logistic regression test.The results showed that there was an influence between education(Ï = 0.015), knowledge (Ï = 0.047), self efficacy (Ï = 0.027), cues to action (Ï = 0,000) with behavior in the use of safety glasses but. No correlation between ages (Ï = 0.065 ), perceived susceptibility (Ï = 0.712), perceived seriousness (Ï = 0.208), perceived benefit (Ï = 0.063), perceived barrier (Ï = 0.565) with behavior in the use of safety glasses. The conclusions of this study are between knowledge education, self efficacy, cues to action to be associated with behavior in the use of safety glasses.
Keywords: behavior, health belief model, work accident, PPE
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