Development of School Library Collection at SDN 11 Central Singkawang
Background of the study: Every education can provide educational information institutions that can be through the library. The library is an institution that has the main task as a provider of information both in print and electronic form. Collection development in a library is an activity that is very important and must be done, as is the case with libraries in schools. In general, the school library is needed in the school environment as a support for the success of the teaching and learning process
Purpose: This study aims to determine how the process in developing the existing collections at the SDN 11 Central Singkawang Library.
Method: This research was conducted using a qualitative descriptive method through direct interviews via whatsapp and telephone to the principal and an operator at SDN 11 Central Singkawang.
Findings: Based on the results of the study, it can be seen that, collection development consists of user analysis activities (community analysis), collection development policies, library material selection, acquisition, weeding library materials, and evaluation.
Conclusion: The school library of SDN 11 Central Singkawang has developed its collection according to procedures, although it has not been carried out optimally because it has not set a specific collection development policy.
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