2020 National Level Junior High School/Madrasah Library Competiton
Judges and Participants Assessment
Background of the study: The National Library of Indonesia organizes competition for high school/madrasah libraries in the form of the High School/Madrasah Library Competition. In 2020, online competitions were organized due to the Covid-19 pandemic conditions.
Purpose: The problem in this research is the point of view of the jury and the participants on the implementation of the High School/Madrasah Library Contest.
Method: The research was conducted using a descriptive qualitative approach. The results showed that the top three winners of the competition from 2017-2020 were high school/madrasah libraries from the Yogyakarta, Riau, Central Java, East Java and East Kalimantan regions.
Findings: The jury of the 2020 high school/madrasah library competition considered that the online competition was not good enough and the majority of the jury wanted the 2021 competition to be held offline. Meanwhile, the 2020 high school/madrasah library competition participants considered that the online competition was good and half of the participants wanted the 2021 competition to be held offline. However, the jury's opinion was in line with the participants that it should took longer time for the competition assessment process.
Conclusion: The online competition is a solution to the Covid-19 pandemic, but the judges feel that they are unable to see the data needed to give an participants feel they are unable to show the evidence needed
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