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Author Guidelines


  1. We accept articles with the following types:
          1. Research Paper
          2. Literature review
          3. Case study
          4. Book review

  2. General Guideline
    1. Article has never been published before.
    2. Result-based research is prioritized for publication.
    3. The article consists of 8-12 pages and it must be written in A4 paper, Times New Roman 12, single space, and margin of 3 for top, bottom, left, and right sides.
    4. The article has no typos.
    5. The article has no plagiarism.
    6. The article is written in the form of essay in which it has no dot points and numbering.
    7. It does not use footnote or endnote, but running note (surname, year of publication: page)
  3. Title
    1. Title is written in dual languages; those are Bahasa Indonesia, and English.
    2. The title in Bahasa Indonesia must not exceed 12 words; whereas, the title in English must not exceed 10 words.
    3. The title must mention the results of the study.
    4. There must be no subheading
    5. The title is written in Times New Roman 13, Bold, center.
    6. The initial letter of every word in the title must be capitalized except for conjunctions that must use small letters. 
  4. Name of author and institution of author
    1. The author’s name is completely written without academic title or indication of position and stratification.
    2. The name of institution is completely written.
    3. Correspondence must include post address, telephone, and email.
  5. Abstract
    1. Abstract is written in dual languages; those are Bahasa Indonesia, and English.
    2. Abstract must be written between 150 – 200 words in English, and 150 – 300 words in Bahasa Indonesia.
    3. Abstract must be written in one paragraph only encompassing background, purpose of the study, methods, results, and conclusion.
  6. Keyword
    1. Keyword must be written in dual languages; those are Bahasa Indonesia, and English.
    2. There must be at least two keywords in the abstract.
  7. Introduction
    1. Introduction consists of background, purpose of the study, and research urgency.
    2. Statement of the problem and/ or hypothesis must not be written in the form of subheading but research question which is integrated in paragraph, part of the introduction.
  8. Methods
    1. Practical methods
    2. It consists of research type/ approach, location, population and sample, sampling drawing techniques, data collection techniques, and data analysis techniques.
  9. Results of the study
    1. All tables, graphics, and figures are thoroughly discussed, placed in the center, and appropriate interpretation are highly desirable (description is not repetitive from tables, graphics, and figures).
    2. Tables use three horizontal lines.
    3. Tables and graphics are made in the format of MS Word/ Excel
    4. Every table consists of table number and table title written above the table.
  10. Conclusion
    1. Conclusion does not repeat what has been discussed in results section.
  11. References
    1. References written must be cited in writing and vice versa.
    2. Book citation is at least from last 10-year publication, whereas, for journals, it is at least from last 5-year publication.
    3. Using APA style 
  12. Authorship
    1. Filling in the statement form of responsibility upon all content of the article
    2. Signing the statement that the article is not being proposed to another journal and it will not be submitted to another journal during the editing and reviewing process by RLJ.
    3. Signing the statement of plagiarism free
    4. Attaching Curriculum Vitae (CV)
    5. Editorial staff has the right to edit the article without changing the content and the main idea of the author.
    6. Submit article to

Privacy Statement

  1. I declare that the work submitted for publication is original/no plagiarism, previously unpublished, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  1. I declare that I do not copyright issues on the tables and figures presented in the manuscript. 
  1. I declare that all authors have approved the authorship sequence, the content of the paper, and the release of the paper for publication.
  1. I declare that I have obtained ‘proof of consent’ from people and/or organization involved and named in my research (*for fieldwork only)