The Relationship of Food Consumption Level and Physical Activities towards the Nutritional Status of Paskibraka Extracurricular Members
Hubungan Tingkat Konsumsi Makan dan Aktivitas Fisik dengan Status Gizi Anggota Ekstrakurikuler Paskibraka

Background: The Republic of Indonesia has a flag-hoisting team at the independence ceremony known as Paskibraka. Good nutritional status is one of the conditions for becoming a Paskibraka. Food consumption level and physical activity are factors that affect nutritional status.
Objectives: This research aimed to determine the relationship between food consumption level and physical activity towards the nutritional status of students taking Paskibraka Extracurricular at SMAN 1 Bangkalan.
Methods: This research used quantitative correlational research using a cross-sectional approach. The total sampling method was used to select 56 samples from students joining Paskibraka extracurriculars aged 15-16. While the independent variables included food consumption levels and physical activity, the dependent variable was nutritional status. The instruments were the respondent identity questionnaire, SQ-FFQ (Semiquantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire), and GPAQ (Global Physical Activity Questionnaire). The data were analyzed using Spearman's rank correlation.
Results: This research found that students' food consumption levels were normal (energy=76.8%, protein=58.9%, fat=73.21%, carbohydrates=69.64%). It also revealed that 75% had moderate physical activity and 89.29% had good nutritional status. Food consumption levels (energy p=0.011, fat p=0.024, and carbohydrates p=0.003) correlated with nutritional status, but protein consumption levels (p=0.141) and physical activity (p=0.626) did not correlate with it.
Conclusions: Food consumption levels (energy, fats, and carbohydrates) correlated with nutritional status, but protein consumption and physical activity did not. A Paskibraka extracurricular student must pay attention to their daily food consumption and physical activity to have a good nutritional status.
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