Background: Dengue virus infection is one of the important health problems in Indonesia, although the mortality rate has been
decreased but many dengue shock syndrome cases is very difficult to be solving handled. To solve this problem, some factor that
influence the prevalence of dengue virus infection should be studied. The Aim of Study: To detect some factor that maintain the higher
case of dengue virus infection in patient at the Soerya Hospital Sepanjang, Sidoarjo. Material & Method: Study had been done at
Soerya Hospital Sepanjang, Sidoarjo since January 1, 2007 until December 31, 2010. All cases suspected dengue virus infection in
patient at soerya hospital were diagnosed based on WHO criteria in 1997 and PCR examination in ITD laboratory. The Result: In
2007, 2008, 2009, the monthly observation showed that decreasing cases of dengue virus infection in patient at Soerya Hospital had
been found on September, but in 2010 this event had been found on November. Why this event to be change? It is suggested might
be due to global warming in the world and the climate going to influence the environment sanitation. Interaction between agent host
and environment becoming increase it might be due to the changing of climate can influence the growing population Aedes Aegyptie
and Aedes Albopictus promoting to increase vector for transmit dengue virus infection. It is prominent in sub urban area, with have
many peoples don't aware with the bad environment sanitation. And many peoples showed very dynamic for living until the idea good
environment do not be thought. By this condition the monthly population dengue virus infection in patient at hospital are going to
maintain higher more than six months than usually. On the year 2007, 2008, 2009 the lowest cases found on September. In 2010, the
lowest cases had been found on November. The Conclusion: Global warming, increasing sub urban area which have many peoples
don't aware with the bad environment sanitation and have highly dynamic peoples for getting some money for their life, could influence
the higher cases dengue virus infection in patient at hospital more than 6 months.
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