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Journal of Developing Economies (JDE)
ISSN International Centre | ISSN:2528-2018 (Online) | ISSN: 2541-1012 (Print)
Journal of Developing Economies (JDE) is a peer-reviewed and open access biannually (June and December) that published by Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga. The aim of Journal of Developing Economies (JDE) is to publish original research papers involving to all aspects of economic development. However, since Volume 9 No. 2 (2024), this journal focuses on quantitative approach to solve the specific or general questions of economic development problems worldwide.
Journal of Developing Economies (JDE) only accepts original research papers written in full English and processes submitted original script related of scope to development economics and not being published by other publishers. The scope of Journal of Developing Economies (JDE) includes, but is not limited to the research results of: Macroeconomics; Development Economics; Banking, Finance, and Monetary Economics; Industrial Economics; International Economics; Public Economics; Environmental and Energy Economics; Agricultural Economics; Health Economics; Political Economics; Tourism Economics; Microenterprises and Microfinance; Labor Economics; and Regional Economics.
All articles go through a pre-screening process during the review process, and some are rejected right away. Papers that are deemed unsuitable for the topic or approach are included in this category, despite the fact that the field of development is broad and that assessments of suitability can occasionally be subjective. This also contains works that, either in terms of methodological rigor or addition to the field, don't meet our high criteria.
Journal of Developing Economies (JDE) has been indexed in DOAJ, Sinta 2, Dimensions, Crossref, Google Scholar, Garuda Dikti, BASE, ROAD, and EuroPub. This journal has been accredited as a 2nd Grade Scientific Journal (Sinta 2) by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of Indonesia since Volume 8 No. 1 (2023).
All submissions should be formatted in accordance with Journal of Developing Economies (JDE) template and through Open Journal System (OJS) only.
Explore more our published articles on related field categories:
- Macroeconomics
- Development Economics
- Banking, Finance, and Monetary Economics
- Industrial Economics
- International Economics
- Public Economics
- Environmental and Energy Economics
- Agricultural Economics
- Health Economics
- Political Economics
- Tourism Economics
- Microenterprises and Microfinance
- Labor Economics
- Regional Economics
For submission, please kindly open HERE.
Current Issue
Full Issue
Effect of Food Exports on Economic Growth: Fresh Insights from Italy
Abstract : 285PDF : 234 -
Investigating The Nexus of Child Marriage and Economic Growth in Indonesia
Abstract : 303PDF : 138 -
Public Debt – Economic Growth Nexus: A Systematic Literature Review
Abstract : 325PDF : 145 -
The Impact of Trade Integration on Poverty Reduction in ECOWAS
Abstract : 219PDF : 165 -
Budget Institutions and Macro-Fiscal Forecast Errors in Sub-Saharan Africa: Indicator-Level Analysis
Abstract : 183PDF : 62 Supplementary File : 0