This research aims to describe the role of Bank sampah induk Surabaya in empowering the customer's economy from an Islamic perspective. Viewed from an increase in customer empowerment by maddi (material) and ma'nawi (non material). This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach with a case study method. The results of this study were that the four informants experienced increased fulfillment of basic needs, increased income, increased strength, and increased charity, as well as increased environmental hygiene security after joining as customers of Bank sampah induk Surabaya. Maddi (material), managing and sorting its own waste into an economically valuable item and can be saved, it is clear that the empowerment carried out by the Bank Sampah Induk Surabaya is able to improve the economy of its customers in groups and individuals. and ma'nawi (non material), the maintenance of environmental security is the most obvious impact felt by the reduction in the amount of waste because people are beginning to realize the importance of protecting the environment. In addition, by saving in a waste bank, customer charity will also increase along with the increase in people's income.
Keywords: Role of Waste Bank, Empowerment in Islamic Perspective, Economy of Natural Resources and Environment, Customer Welfare
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