Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sumber nitrogen, kadar sumber nitrogen dan pH optimum untuk produksi protease isolat HTcUM6.2.2. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental laboratoris menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) satu faktorial masing-masing yaitu jenis, kadar sumber nitrogen, serta pH medium dengan tahap penelitian terdiri dari peremajaan, validasi kemurnian isolat HTcUM6.2.2, produksi ekstrak kasar protease isolat HTcUM6.2.2, uji aktivitas protease. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sumber nitrogen optimum untuk menghasilkan protease dari isolat HTcUM6.2.2 adalah susu skim dan limbah cair tahu. Kadar limbah cair tahu optimum untuk produksi protease dari isolat HTcUM6.2.2 sebesar 10 %. Produksi protease cukup tinggi dan relatif konstan antara pH 6 sampai 8. Aktivitas protease tertinggi sebesar 0,817 U/ml dicapai dengan penggunaan 10 % limbah cair tahu pada medium produksi, pH = 7 selama 3 hari.
Kata kunci: protease, tauco, isolat, nitrogen, limbah cair tahu
This study aims to determine the optimum of the nitrogen source, percentage of nitrogen source and pH for the production of protease from isolate HTcUM6.2.2. This research is a laboratory experimental with a research stage comprising inoculation and validation of the purity of the isolates HTcUM6.2.2, production of crude extract of protease to determine source of nitrogen, percentage of nitrogen source and pH optimum, determination of protease activity. The results showed that the optimum source of nitrogen to produce proteases from the HTcUM6.2.2 isolate was skim milk and tofu wastewater. Percentage of nitrogen source optimum to produce protease of HTcUM6.2.2 isolate was 10 % of tofu wastewater. Protease production is relatively high and constantance at pH 6 to 8. The highest protease activity was achieved by the use of 10 % tofu wastewater at production medium, pH = 7 for 3 days was 0,817 U/mL.
The keywords: protease, tauco, isolate, nitrogen, tofu wastewater
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