Types of Patient Safety Incidents in Public Health Centers

Background: Developing a patient safety culture in the public health center is less significant than in hospitals. According to WHO, primary care services can prevent up to 80% of injuries, which accounts for half the global burden of patient injury.
Objectives: This study aims to determine the type of patient safety incidents in public health centers in Surabaya.
Methods: This research is classified as descriptive-analytic research with a cross-sectional research design, used secondary data collected through the monthly reports of "Public Health Center X" located in Surabaya in the period from January to July 2022.
Results: The frequency of patient safety incidents was 65 cases consisting of order entry error (10.76%), administration error (24.61%), human error (10.76%), medical error (3.07%), healthcare-acquired infection (6.15%), patient falls (18.46%), medication error (13.84%) and technical error (12.3%). Most patient safety errors were considered preventable, and 29% of the errors from human error and patient falls were viewed as having the potential to cause serious harm to the patients.
Conclusions: The types of patient safety errors are mostly administration errors, that occur in the management of medical record documents.
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