Use of Instagram as a Promotion Media of the Faculty Library at Gadjah Mada University
Background of the study: Libraries use social media to promote libraries for users, one of which is Instagram. Gadjah Mada University Library (UGM) and several faculty libraries have used Instagram as a promotional media, but not all are up to date.
Purpose: The purposes of this study are to identify the way the faculty library promotes through Instagram and analyze the motivation factors and obstacles faced in promoting the library through Instagram.
Method: This study was conducted at the faculty library at UGM used a thick description with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used are in-depth interviews, observation and literature study. This study discusses the use of Instagram as a library promotion media from librarians and staff who manage the library's Instagram.
Findings: The results of the study show that: First, seven of the eighteen library libraries at UGM were promoted through Instagram. The way the faculty library promoting on Instagram is through posting content such as documenting events, library services, promoting events, and e-resources. Second, the motivation factor of the faculty library at UGM to use Instagram as a promotion media is to adapt to the generation of users and social media used by users. The obstacle faced by most faculty libraries in using Instagram as a library promotion media is the limitations of Human Resources (HR).
Conclusion: The use of Instagram as a promotion media of faculty libraries at UGM is still not up to date. The majority of faculty libraries haven't used Instagram to promote the library. Seven faculty libraries have used Instagram but are not the same in up to date.
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