Factors Influence Development of Village Libraries
Study of Development Village Libraries in Sleman
Background of the study: The village library is an interesting type of public library for research studies. The uniqueness of the village library lies in the role and function that is close to the life of the community in the village. The village library has a strategic role in developing human resources in the village.
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe the factors that influence the development of village libraries in the Sleman Regency. The purpose of the next research is to discuss the relationship between the factors that are the driving forces and inhibitors of libraries in managing village libraries.
Method: The approach method in this research uses descriptive qualitative. Descriptive qualitative research in which the researcher draws and extracts information from the phenomenon of village library development factors. The research location is in the village library in Sleman Regency. The informant selection technique uses snowball sampling as the main informant, which is then supplemented with proposive sampling.
Findings: The results found internal factors that influence the development of the village library organization, among others, support of human resources, the formation of organizational structure, commitment from various stakeholders, internal and external regulations, allocation of funding for routine libraries, the use of technology, collaboration and networks built together with government and non-government institutions, the ability to analyze the needs of the community and innovation in dealing with the challenges of the village library, the relationship between these factors can support the success of the administration and management of the village library.
Conclusion: Studies in village libraries in Sleman Regency show that there are village libraries that are capable of making changes (transformation), but there are also libraries that are not yet capable of transforming libraries.
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