The Use of SLiMS in The Circle of School Librarians in Semarang City
Background of the study: Utilization of technology at this time is urgently needed in a job. Library is one of the jobs that requires technology. The technology used in school libraries has several types, one of which is SLiMS. SLiMS is used by librarians to build library automatic system. SLiMS users come from various generations, therefore it causes differences in the ability to use SLiMS in the circle of librarians.
Purpose: This study aims to describe the ability to use SLiMS in the circle of Semarang City school librarians by using guidelines from the theory of technology utilization.
Method: The research method uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The data collection technique was carried out by conducting observations and interviews with the Semarang City Junior High School librarians. The sample selection was done by purposive sampling method with a total sample of ten informants that are included in the X, Y and Z generations. Data analysis used in this research is descriptive analytic analysis.
Findings: The result of this research shows that the ability of the librarians to use SLiMS is different due to the differences in the way technology is used based on social factors, individual feelings, complexity, task suitability, long-term consequences, and facilitating conditions.
Conclusion: The difference in the ability to use SLiMS in Semarang Junior Librarian, can be seen from the 6 categories of technology used. From these 6 categories can improve the ability of librarians to use SLiMS or vice versa.
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