Library Anxiety among the First-Year Undergraduate, Master's, and Doctoral Students at Universitas Gadjah Mada
Background of the study: As a unit in a University, library has a role to help users by providing library services, especially for the first-year students who are accepted in large numbers each year. The large number of admitted first-year students need attention from university, especially library, by conducting socialization activity to reduce library anxiety. There are still many first-year students feel anxiety in themselves.
Purpose: This study aims to measure the first-year student's anxiety level in and to compare anxiety level of students who participate and do not participate in library services socialization, between levels, factors, and between groups of external and internal factors that affect the anxiety level of first-year students.
Method: This study used a quantitative approach by using survey research method. There were 336 respondents that involved in this study; 236 respondents from undergraduate program, 87 respondents from master program, and 13 respondents from doctoral program. This study used convenience sampling to collect the data and SPSS 25 to analyze the data.
Findings: The results of this study indicate that the first-year students have low anxiety level.
Conclusion: There is a significant difference between students who participated and those who did not participate in socialization activity; they have different library anxiety level at all levels; There is a significant difference between the factors affecting anxiety level of first-year students; There is no
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