Food service implementation is oriented towards customer satisfaction that assessed by several indicators, namely the taste, appearance, portion size, punctuality, and cleanliness. One example of the food service implementation is canteen in Airlangga University Hospital which provide food for employees, visitors, and patient's families that require special attention so that consumers feel satisfi ed. Canteen that is not properly managed can resulting a negative impact such as food poisoning. This study was done descriptively using cross sectional design. Sample was taken using systematic random sampling with a sample size of 50 respondents. The number of respondent who said they were satisfi ed is 29 respondents (58%), while those who are not satisfi ed is 21 respondents (42%). Respondents expressed satisfaction at some satisfaction indicators, among other indicators for example: taste, appearance of food, portion size, and punctuality, but respondents were not satisfi ed with the cleanliness of the cafeteria. It was concluded that the cleanliness of the cafeteria could affects customer satisfaction, that the hygiene indicators need to be improved so that visitors feel more comfortable and safe to buy the food.
Keywords: consumer satisfaction, food service
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