Information dissemination during pandemics: a review on the Spanish Influenza and Covid-19
Background of the study: Information dissemination could be seen as the means through which facts and information are linked to the rightful individual seekers and organizations. Due to restrictions during pandemics, health professionals and other stakeholders have the important role of disseminating information and resources on the pandemic to the public through various media channels available to them.
Purpose: This study looked into how information disseminations were carried out during the Spanish Influenza and Covid-19 pandemics based on review of literature
Method: Through the use of relevant keywords and search strategies, the study retrieved literature from Google Scholar for review. The literature were then analysed based on themes to produce a narrative report.
Findings: The study reveals that information access and dissemination were timely and speedily during the Covid-19 pandemic dur to advancements in technology whereas the dissemination of information during the Spanish Influenza were limited and rarely timely worldwide.
Conclusion: Currently, there exist a problem of misinformation and an ‘infodemic.' Due to advancements in information sharing technologies. The study recommends the need to tackle ‘infodemic' and misinformation during pandemics.
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