
  • Congratulations Record and Library Journal!


    We are delighted to announce that Record and Library Journal has been accepted by SCOPUS as of November 25, 2023.

    We would like to thank the editors, reviewers, authors, Faculty of Vocational Studies Universitas Airlangga, Lembaga Inovasi Pengembangan Jurnal, Penerbitan, dan Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (LIPJPHKI) UNAIR and all partners for their support and good cooperation.

    Best regards,
    Record and Library Journal editorial team

    Collect and Share Knowledge to All

    Stay connected with us🤔ðŸ»
    Instagram : @record_and_library_journal
    Twitter : @RljUnair
    Facebook : Rlj Unair
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  • Record and Library Journal Website Migration


    Yang terhormat Editor, Reviewer, Pengguna/Penulis

    Kami ingin menginformasikan bahwa website Record and Library Journal kembali lagi beroperasi di halaman website ini sehingga halaman website yang lama tidak kami gunakan

    Jadi, untuk semua proses bisnis mulai dari submit, review, publish artikel berpindah di halaman t . Silahkan untuk bisa menunjunginya.

    Terimakasih. Hormat Kami


    Dear Editors, Reviewers, Users/Authors

    We would like to inform you that the record and library journal website is operating again on this website page so that the old website page is index.php/rlj/ we don't use

    So, for all business processes, starting from submitting, reviewing, publishing articles, move on to the page. Please be able to visit it.

    Thank you. Best regards

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