Vol. 37 No. 3 (2022): Volume 37 No 3 September 2022
This issue has been available online since 1 September 2022 for the regular issue of September 2022. All Articles in this issue were authored/co-authored by 24 Authors from 4 Countries (Indonesia, Brazil, Palestine, South Africa).
International Law
Israeli Territorial Annexation in Occupied Palestinian Territory: The Ambivalence of International Law
539-562Abstract : 655PDF : 417
Constitutional Law
Criminal Law
Fake Accounts on Social Media as a Criminal Act of Electronic Information Manipulation in Indonesia
615-632Abstract : 776PDF : 532
Civil Law
False or Fake Qualifications in an Employment Context: A South African Perspective
715-738Abstract : 437PDF : 417A Juridical Study of Granting Wills to Heirs in the Perspective of Islamic Inheritance Law
739-758Abstract : 604PDF : 567