Program for Providing Iron Tablets in Schools and Reducing the Incidence of Anemia among Adolescent Girls in Padang City
Program Pemberian Tablet Fe di Sekolah dan Penurunan Kejadian Anemia pada Remaja Putri di Kota Padang
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Background: Anemia among reproductive-age women can lead to significant nutritional issues for future generations. In Indonesia, the anemia prevalence rate among women is alarmingly high at 30.44%. A key strategy to reduce anemia is the distribution of iron tablets (Fe) in schools.
Objectives: This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of the iron tablet program in schools and its relationship to the incidence of anemia among adolescent girls in Padang City.
Methods: A mixed-methods approach was utilized, combining quantitative and qualitative techniques. A cross-sectional design assessed the relationship between iron tablet distribution and anemia prevalence. Qualitative data were gathered through in-depth interviews to explore the program's implementation. The study involved two schools in Padang City, randomly selecting a sample of 274 adolescent girls. Data were collected using standardized instruments, analyzed with statistical software, and examined using multiple logistic regression tests.
Results: The iron tablets program hasn’t been optimally implemented. The study found 28.1% of adolescent girls were anemic. An iron tablet consumption history (p-value=0.035), the quantity consumed (p-value=0.034), father's education level (p-value=0.039), and nutritional knowledge (p-value=0.032) related with anemic. Girls who did not consume iron tablets were 3.03 times more likely to be anemic. Many expressed concerns about the potential negative effects of iron tablets.
Conclusions: This study reveals a troubling prevalence of anemia among adolescent girls, with nearly one-third affected. Inadequate iron tablet consumption, along with parental education and nutritional knowledge, significantly contributes to this issue. Concerns about side effects emphasize the urgent need for targeted educational interventions.
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