Survey of Inpatient Satisfaction with Food Services at Sidoarjo Hospital
Background: The success of food delivery depends on the expectations, perceptions, and assessment of patient satisfaction with the quality of services provided by the hospital. Nutrition services, especially the provision of food for inpatients, is one of the medical support services that can help patients' healing and recovery efforts
Objectives: This study aims to determine the description of inpatient satisfaction with food services at Sidoarjo Regional Hospital. This study was conducted descriptively with a cross sectional research design
Methods: Determination of the sample by accidental sampling where respondents are subjects who are encountered or happen to be treated in each inpatient room in September 2019 with a sample size of 350 patients. Data collection was carried out by interview method using a patient satisfaction questionnaire.
Results: The percentage of overall patient satisfaction who stated that they were satisfied was 91%, while those who stated that they were not satisfied were 9%. Indicators of patient satisfaction include cleanliness of cutlery, food appearance, attitude and appearance of waiters, taste of dishes, temperature of dishes, and nutritionist visits.
Conclusions: The indicator of nutritionist visits is an indicator that has the highest inappropriate value, seen in the survey results in the VK room (23%), Mawar Kuning (51%), Mawar Merah Putih (46%), and Tulip (9%), and patients as a whole (26%). In addition, the temperature indicator of the dish is also an indicator that has the highest percentage of inappropriate values, seen in the survey results in the Teratai room (16%) and Tulip (9%).
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