Advocacy for quantitative progesterone assay in the breeding management of bitches

bitches counsel insemination timing pregnancy progesterone assays


December 5, 2022


Peripheral progesterone titers characterizing the reproductive cycle of the bitch are fairly well-documented in literature. Progesterone titers obtained via fluorescence-immunoassay technique at different points to the appearance-of-bloody-vulva-discharge (ABVD) in apparently healthy, exotic, multi-breed bitches (n = 76) that were subsequently inseminated were summarized using descriptive statistics. The recommended/predictable progesterone titer-ranges- PPTRs (ng/mL) and modality for insemination(s) were: 7.6-8.5 (inseminate-after-24-hours), 8.6-9.9 (inseminate-after-12-hours) and 10.0-20.0 (inseminate-immediately). The length of days from ABVD to the point of obtaining a PPTR (Mean ± SD) was 12.43 ± 3.38 days (range 8-17 days). The frequencies of progesterone assay per bitch were: one-fold (39.47%), two-fold (39.47%). three-fold (18.43%) and four-fold (2.63%). Observations on pregnancy statuses of bitches based on frequency of progesterone assay(s) were: 57.90% (pregnant, multiple-assay), 5.26% (pregnant, one-fold-assay), 26.32% (not-pregnant, multiple-assay) and 10.52% (not-pregnant, single-assay). The litter sizes at the PPTRs (Mean ± SD) i.e., 7.83 ± 1.86 (7.6-8.5 ng/mL), 7.86 ± 1.73 (8.6-9.9 ng/mL) and 8.83 ± 1.86 (10.0-20.0 ng/mL) were comparable with that for the entire study i.e., 8.16 ± 1.87. Similarly, the range of litter sizes at the three PPTRs as well as that for the entire study were same i.e., 5-10 puppies. It is concluded as follows: multiple progesterone assays resulted in higher pregnancy outcome and, litter sizes were not affected as long as insemination(s) occurred within the recommended progesterone titer-ranges. We recommend a comprehensive investigation of all pregnancy determinants, even for apparently healthy dogs, by dog-lovers and, regarding progesterone, multiple-assays, rather than one-fold assay, will upscale their breeding business.