Spermiogramic parameters of Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) to aqueous administration of egg lime molasses mixture

As demand for animal protein rises, raising Japanese quail holds much potentials in bridging the gap. Phytogenics has been reported to have effect on spermiogramic parameters of animals. This research was done to ascertain the spermiogramic parameters of Japanese quails to administration of aqueous solution of egg lime molasses mixture (ELM). Fresh eggs were placed in a dish, followed by 500g of molasses and 1 liter of lime juice. It was then covered for 10 days and the entire mixture was blended. Two hundred day old Japanese quails were assigned to five treatments in a Completely Randomized Design and were subdivided into 4 replicates of 10 birds each. The control (T1) having no administration of ELM, T2 had an inclusion level of 10 mL, T3: 20 mL, T4: 30 mL and T5: 40 mL, all in 500 mL of water. Feed and water were provided ad libitum. The study was carried out for 49 days. Data were collected on genitalia morphometry and fertilizing potentials. The birds administered 20 mL of ELM had significantly (p <0.05) higher left epididymis weight (0.36 ± 0.05g) compared to the other groups. The inclusion of ELM in the water significantly influenced (p <0.05) left epididymis volume, paired epididymis volume, left epididymis density, paired epididymis density and spermatozoa reserves in the right epididymis. Testosterone values significantly increased (p <0.05) with increased ELM inclusion. It can be concluded that the administration of ELM did not alter growth parameters however birds that received 20 mL per 500 mL of water had the best reproductive parameters.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Adeyinka Oye Akintunde, Lois Chidinma Ndubuisi-Ogbonna, Mofiyinfoluwa M. Ladele, Oladapo Ayodeji Olorunfemi, Olayinka Abosede Ojo, Samson O. Oyewumi, Bolatito Adenike Shobo, Olufunso Emmanuel Akinboye

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