Jurnal Kimia Riset (Scientific Journal of Chemical Research)  is a scientific journal that contains a collection of articles resulting from the original research and findings of chemical technology, as well as a review of chemical science development. The journal is intended to publish the findings in the fields of Organic Chemistry, Inorganic, Analytical, Physical Chemistry, Biochemistry, and others that are characterized to solve the problems in the medical field, pharmaceutical, environmental, energy, and agricultural uses of chemical approaches. Since 2016, JKR has published 2 issues per year, i.e., in June and December. Since the issue of Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022): June, JKR has only accepted and published articles in English and continues until now. In 2024, JKR has been accredited as SINTA 2 by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology through SK 77/E/KPT/2024 on 15 October 2024 from Vol. 8 No. 1 (2023) to Vol. 12 No. 2 (2027). JKR has a printed and online standard serial number: p-ISSN 2528-0414 (printed version) and e-ISSN 2528-0422 (electronic version). As an accredited journal, JKR conducts journal management online, including submission, review process and publication. JKR is published by the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga.

Please read these guidelines carefully. Authors wishing to submit their manuscript to the editorial office of Jurnal Kimia Riset (Scientific Journal of Chemical Research) must adhere to the writing guidelines. If the submitted manuscript is inappropriate with the guidelines or written in a different format, it will be REJECTED by the editors before further review. The editors will only accept manuscripts that meet the assigned format.

ISSN Print 2528-0414

ISSN Online 2528-0422


The writer for JKR allowed on the circles at home and abroad, covering researchers from Universities and Research institutes and practitioners from industries such as the chemical industry, agriculture, health, food, pharmaceutical, and so on.


Articles, such as research articles, reviews, and short communications, are arranged to reflect the authenticity of the work. The number of pages required does not exceed 12 pages or the equivalent of 4000-5000 words for research articles and reviews, and a maximum of 4 pages or the equivalent of 2,000 words for short communications.

The scope of the JKR Journal must be linked to the chemistry field as an identity of the journal. The Journal covers some topics:

1. Chemical study of natural materials and chemical material synthesis for medicinal materials, energy and the environment
2. Study of chemical processes in living cells such as isolation, purification and modification of biomolecules compound and application development
3. Chemical study of theory, design models using computational approaches chemistry and molecular dynamics simulations, as well as the study of environmental chemistry
4. Design, development and validation of analytical methods
5. Development of chemical technologies to solve problems in the medical, pharmaceutical, agricultural, industrial and other fields.

Jurnal Kimia Riset is published by:
Universitas Airlangga
Campus C, Mulyorejo, Surabaya Indonesia
Phone/Fax: +62-315922427
E-mail: jkr@fst.unair.ac.id


Current Issue

Vol. 9 No. 2 (2024): December
Published: 2024-12-09
