Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan ini berupa FGD dan indepth interview yang diikuti oleh 10 ibu, penyuluhan yang diikuti oleh 44 orang, leadership, dan kaderisasi pemantau pemberian ASI Eksklusif yang diikuti oleh 7 orang. Hasil FGD menunjukkan bahwa perlu adanya intervensi di bidang kesehatan tentang pemberian ASI Eksklusif di Kelurahan Ampel. Inovasi kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pemberian ASI Eksklusif melalui program ASI eKsklusif Bayi kUat (ASIK BU). Program ASIK BU di Kelurahan Ampel dilakukan melalui kegiatan yang berupa kaderisasi karang taruna dan penyuluhan kepada WUS, Bumil dan Busui. Saran dari kegiatan ini berupa perlu adanya pemantauan dari penanggung jawab puskesmas Sidotopo secara berkala untuk melakukan monitoring dan evaluasi terhadap pelaksanaan program ASIK BU. Diharapkan masyarakat
berkomitmen penuh dalam melaksanakan program ASIK BU. Pemerintah setempat dapat memberikan dukungan sosial maupun material salah satunya dalam bentuk pemberian penghargaan kepada kader dan ibu yang dapat memberikan ASI secara eksklusif.
ABSTRACT Breastmilk is a fluid secretion from mother mammary gland, and called exclusive when breastmilk given to newborn until six months without adding and or replace with another fluid except medicine. Exclusive Breastfeeding can reduce infant morbidity and mortality rate. Breastfeed performance at Ampel Village is 59,2% from 1418 infants. It showed that is under standard of breastfeed (77%). Aim of this program is made empowerment to increase exclusive breastfeed performance at Ampel Village. Benefit of this program is Ampel People can increase health status especially exclusive breastfeed by themselves. Method of this program by using FGD, indepth interview that followed by 10 mothers, health education was followed 44 people. Leadership and forming of breastfeed cadres is followed by 7 peoples. FGD Result showed that necessity of health intervention especially exclusive breastfed monitoring at Ampel Village. Innovation can be done by ASI eKsklusif Bayi kUat (ASIK BU) program. ASIK BU at Ampel village done by forming of breastfeed cadres and gave health education to fertile woman, breastfeed mother, and pregnant woman. Recommendation of this program is
periodically monitored and evaluated by Puskesmas Sidotopo. Ampel Village people must put fully committed for this program. Government should support socially and materially which one by giving reward to mother who finished exclusive breastfeed and cadre who helping mother.
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