One of the efforts to empower the community in the health sector is to develop Posyandu. The role of posyandu cadres in the promotion of family planning and contraception programs in couples of childbearing age is still limited. This activity aims to improve the ability of cadres in promoting family planning and contraception. The activity was carried out for 4 weeks in the Bringkang village area, Menganti District, Gresik Regency, namely on 3-28 July 2018. The method of activities was in the form of socialization, posyandu cadre training with lectures, questions and answers, discussions (CTJD), and assistance in the implementation of posyandu. Average knowledge (x = 9.2) in the good category and cadre attitude (x = 13.1) in the positive category in the promotion of family planning and contraception. It is important to empower Posyandu cadres in health promotion, especially family planning and contraception in the community.
Salah satu upaya pemberdayaan masyarakat di bidang kesehatan adalah menumbuhkembangkan posyandu. Peran kader posyandu dalam promosi program keluarga berencana dan kontrasepsi pada pasangan usia subur masih terbatas. Kegiatan ini bertujuan meningkatkan kemampuan kader dalam mempromosikan keluarga berencana dan kontrasepsi. Kegiatan dilaksanakan selama 4 minggu di wilayah desa Bringkang Kecamatan Menganti Kabupaten Gresik yaitu pada tanggal 3-28 Juli 2018. Metode kegiatan berupa sosialisasi, pelatihan kader posyandu dengan ceramah, tanya jawab, diskusi (CTJD), dan pendampingan pada pelaksanaan posyandu. Rerata pengetahuan (x=9,2 ) dalam kategori baik dan sikap kader (x=13,1 ) kategori positif dalam promosi KB dan kontrasepsi. Penting memberdayakan kader posyandu dalam promosi kesehatan khususnya KB dan kontrasepsi di masyarakat.
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