Tingginya angka kematian ibu disebabkan oleh masalah kualitas pelayanan kesehatan yang dipengaruhi oleh faktor organisasi, personal dan lingkungan (Kemenkes, 2018a; Mahmood et al., 2018). Pandemi Covid-19 di Indonesia terus berlanjut, dan kemungkinan akan menyebabkan peningkatan kematian ibu lebih lanjut, sehingga diperlukan kepemimpinan dan bantuan klinis. Metode yang digunakan dalam program pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah dengan memberikan pelatihan dan pendampingan kepada bidan dalam pencegahan dan penanganan kasus ibu hamil di rumah sakit. Pelatihan ini berhasil meningkatkan pengetahuan bidan tentang penanganan kasus covid ibu, pencegahan dan kepemimpinan bidan dalam pelayanan ibu sebesar 35%. Implikasi dari hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah perlu adanya pelatihan pengetahuan dan keterampilan bidan dalam penanganan kasus ibu covid pada masa pandemi dengan mempertimbangkan aspek kebijakan internal rumah sakit, alur pelayanan ibu, kompetensi petugas, APD, sarana dan prasarana rumah sakit, sehingga diperlukan berbagai metode pendekatan dalam melakukan intervensi kebidanan dalam asuhan ibu hamil dengan konfirmasi COVID-19.
Kata Kunci : Bidan, COVID-19, Maternal, Pengetahuan
The high incidence of maternal mortality is caused by problems in the quality of health services which are influenced by organizational, personal, and environmental factors. The Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia continues and is likely to lead to a further increase in maternal mortality, so clinical leadership and assistance are needed. The method used in this community service program was providing training and assistance to midwives in preventing and handling maternal COVID cases in hospitals. This training succeeded in increasing the knowledge of midwives about handling maternal covid cases, prevention, and midwives' leadership in maternal services by 35%. The implication of the results of this community service is the need for training on the knowledge and skills of midwives in handling maternal covid cases during the pandemic by considering aspects of hospital internal policies, maternal service flow, officer competence, PPE, hospital facilities and infrastructure, so we need various methods of approach in conducting midwifery interventions in the care of pregnant women with confirmed COVID-19.
Keyword : COVID-19, Knowledge, Midwife, Maternal
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