Food security is one of the efforts to realize the 2nd sustainable development goal, namely zero hunger. In order to help the government encourage the realization of food security in Indonesia, the community service team of Universitas Airlangga implemented a bulekang (kale catfish cultivation) program aimed at the people of Pasirharjo village, Talun subdistrict, Blitar regency. The purpose of the bulekang program is to increase knowledge about food security, the use of home land as a container for the fulfillment of animal nutrition, vegetable and entrepreneurial containers, and help the government increase community income. The methods used in this activity are extension and training (field practice). The average pretest result regarding catfish cultivation was 35.5 and posttest 97 while the average pretest regarding kale cultivation was 36 and the average posttest was 98. This indicates that the training material can be understood by participants. Based on the evaluation of attitudes and behaviors, it was obtained that the participants of the activity had a high willingness to practice bulekang in their respective homes. This training is very useful to increase the creativity and income of citizens in pandemic times.
Keywords: food security, bulekang, zero hunger, income
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