Novel Coronavirus 2019 (covid-19) is a generation of the coronavirus that humans have never identified. This virus was first reported to cause an outbreak in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. Until now, covid-19 infection cases have been reported in many countries, such as Thailand, Japan, South Korea, Iran, Italy, Germany, and more than 90 countries worldwide. Until November 1, 2020, a total of 412.784 positive cases of covid-19 were recorded, with 341.942 recovered patients and 13.943 deaths in Indonesia. The purpose of this event is to anticipate the spread of Covid-19 by reminding the public to maintain health protocols and other alternatives in preserving health, also increasing body immunity through massage and traditional Indonesian herbal medicine. This event received a good response from the public. It was evidenced by the number of participants exceeding the predetermined quota and enthusiastic in following the speaker's material. The event was a success and was well received by the participants as well as the local government. After following this event, participants can practise the knowledge obtained from the presenters to maintain and protect their health and immunity from Covid-19.
Keywords: Covid-19, Community service, body immunity
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