The East Rembang coast is a potential marine fishery commodity producing area, however the buying and selling transaction system is still carried out traditionally, so the bargaining position is still marginal. The social and economic marginalization experienced by fishermen does not manifest in the form of isolation, but rather manifests in the inability of fishing communities to take part in market economic activities profitably. In fact, now we have entered the era of digital buying and selling transactions, which are more efficient and effective, supported by promising infrastructure. Therefore, it is necessary to provide outreach & training in the use of online shops to the fishing community. This community service consists of four stages, namely preparation, implementation, evaluation and monitoring. The object of study is fishing communities who have businesses from three sub-districts in East Rembang. The target is that people are expected to be skilled in using the "SIAB-Marketplace" application in running their business. As a result of service activities, there has been an increase in knowledge and skills in using digital smartphone applications and internet access in marketing the products produced as well as an expansion of the product marketing area, so that it can be used by consumers. The advice given in this activity is that further assistance related to digital marketing should be provided, in this case the use of digital platforms in the promotion and sale of various products so that there is an increase in income which has an impact on people's welfare.
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