Hypertension is often called a silent killer disease because it does not give symptoms to the affected person. Bojonegoro Regency in East Java is one of the areas with a high rate of non-communicable diseases, reaching 385,465 people. Pekuwon Village in Bojonegoro Regency is one of many areas with high hypertension problems. An education program is needed to increase knowledge about hypertension as a disease that can come unexpectedly. The target of this education program is the people of Pekuwon Village aged 15-59 years. The hypertension education program was carried out during the Posbindu PTM activity in Pekuwon Village which was attended by 39 participants. The speaker of the education program was a village cadre who had been trained by the community service team of the Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga. The evaluation used pre-test before giving information and post-test after giving information. The results showed an increase in knowledge from 63.63% to 97.43%. These results meet the program's success indicators, namely a 30% increase in knowledge in the Pekuwon Village community.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Andini Tania Zethira, Lucia Yovita Hendrati, Khuliyah Candraning Diyanah, Aditya Sukma Pawitra, Meuthia Jasmine, Remit Pramureta Syahputri, Annisa Awip Alvionita, Mutmainah Khaerati, Kusuma Dewi Mukti Bratajaya, Mezaluna Prabasanti, Elang Suryanegara, Az-Zahra Helmi Putri Rahayu, Nabilla Zaskia Liviansyah, Muhammad Rizal Shilcy Arif, Fitri Cahyani Siregar
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