Knowledge Level and Mother's Attitude Related to Stunting in Infants Aged 6-23 Months

Tingkat Pengetahuan dan Sikap Ibu Berhubungan dengan Kejadian Stunting pada Bayi Usia 6-23 Bulan

Knowledge Attitude Feeding practices Stunting


  • Wuwuh Ambarwati Fakultas Kesehatan Universitas Dian Nuswantoro,Semarang, Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Aprianti
    Fakultas Kesehatan Universitas Dian Nuswantoro,Semarang, Indonesia, Indonesia
23 December 2022


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Background: Kebumen Regency is a stunting locus district in 2021, with a stunting prevalence of 12.13%. Indirect causes of stunting, including variables that can be intervened for stunting prevention.

Objective: The purpose of this study was to ascertain how the prevalence of stunting relates to knowledge, attitudes, and feeding behaviors in infants aged 6-23 months at the Padureso Primary Health Care, Kebumen Regency.

Methods: Quantitative research using a case-control study design matching variables for average birth weight and birth length > 47 cm. The population is 356 mothers of babies. The sample size using Lemeshow obtained a total sample of 33 mothers with stunting babies and 33 mothers with non-stunted babies using the cluster sampling technique. Chi-Square test data.

Results: The majority of respondents aged 31-40 are 53%, with a basic education level of 56.1%, and most mothers do not work 93.9%. The findings of the bivariate test revealed a connection between knowledge (p values "‹"‹= 0.026, OR = 3.077) and attitudes (p-value = 0.013, OR = 3.538) with the incidence of stunting. There is no association between feeding practices and the incidence of stunting (p-value = 0.618)

Conclusions: Mothers of infants aged 6-23 months are expected to increase knowledge about complete nutrition further and improve attitudes regarding the provision of a variety of foods so that the practice of feeding babies follows the nutritional needs of babies.